Royal University for Women holds the Open Day event

30,Aug 2021

Royal University for Women announced the organization of an open day event for high school graduates and those interested in pursuing their postgraduate studies, to provide students with the opportunity to learn about the degrees offered, meet with the academics and to tour the university's high-level facilities including the residence, sports center, classes and academic buildings, the student center, the library and other facilities.

The President of the Royal University for Women, Professor Yusra Mouzughi, invited the students, parents and anyone else interested to attend this event which will take place at RUW campus in Riffa, on Wednesday and Thursday, 1st and 2nd September 2021, to benefit from academic advising, prospective career opportunities, as well as touring one of the largest campuses in Bahrain and to win some valuable prizes. Prof. Mouzughi also noted that this event will be organized in accordance with the procedures of the Traffic Light System for the COVID-19 (yellow level), as this event will be limited to the vaccinated and recovered from the COVID-19 through presenting the green shield logo at the university gates. She also stressed the importance to communicate with the university to reserve seats to attend the event, given the limited seats as per social distancing protocols.

The open day event will be held over two days over three different time slots: 9:30 AM till 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM till 12:30 PM, and 2:00 PM till 3:00 PM. Students interested in attending the event should contact the university administration in advance to reserve their seats by calling the toll-free number 80008900 or calling the admission office 17764419 or sending an email with the selection of the period to attend to

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