Tuition Fees

Fees for each academic session are approved annually and published on the RUW web site Final fee is confirmed at the time of registration.

Registration, Administration and Campus Fee 300 BD/- per semester. This is a non-refundable fee required of all students to confirm their registration.

English for Acacdemic Success Programme

EAS Level 1LSC 101665 BD
RWC 101800 BD
EAS Level 2LSC 201915 BD
RWC 201915 BD

Undergraduate Degree Course Fees per Credit

Degree Programme fees are charged on a credit per course basis. A full programme is normally 30 credits per academic year; degree completion requires a minimum of 132 credits.

Programme Tuition Fee per Credit

College of Business & Law

Fee per credit BHD

·          Bachelor of Business in Banking & Finance






·          Bachelor of Business in Human Resources

·           Bachelor of Businessi n International Business

·           Bachelor of Businessi n Marketing

·          Bachelor of Law

College of Engineering and Technology


·          Bachelor of Science in InformationTechnology


·          Bachelor of Science in Digital Media and Interactive Technology

·          Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Architecture



College of Art & Design


·          Diploma in Arts & Design





·          Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design

·          Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design

·          Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Design

Liberal Arts Requirements are charged at the rate of the College or Programme that offers them.


Postgraduate Degree Course Fees per Credit

Degree Programme fees are charged on a credit per course basis. A full programme is 36 credits 

Programme Tuition Fee per Credit 

Master of Design Management 

200 BD Per Credit
Master of Fine Arts in Drawing & Painting200 BD Per Credit
Master in Business Administration (MBA)200 BD Per Credit

 Master of International Business Law LLM - Hosted Programme, University of Liverpool - UK   22,000 GBP total fees                                             


Other University Fees (Non-refundable)

Application Fee UG
Required before application can be processed
25 BD
Application Fee PG
Required before application can be processed
30 BD
English Placement Test Fee
Required for programme placement
25 BD
Transfer Credit/Course Exemption Application Fee
Paid in advance of evaluation for transfer credit/exemption
25 BD
Programme Change Fee
Payable for change of degree programme or major
50 BD
Grade Appeal Fee
Payable for each appeal
25 BD
Supplemental / Deferral Examination Fee
Payable for each supplemental / deferral examination
25 BD
Late Registration Fee
Registration deadline published annually on web site
50 BD
ID Card Replacement Fee5 BD
Graduation Fee50 BD
Add/Drop Fee25 BD

Academic Dormitory Fees

A limited number of Residence rooms are available on Campus. See Residence Fee Schedule.


 Methods of Payment: 


-Cheque (payable to Royal University for Women)

-BenefitPay through Fawateer services

-E-payment link

-Bank Transfer to one of the following accounts:

Bahrain Islamic Bank

Account Name:           Royal University for Women

Bank:                          Bahrain Islamic Bank, Main Branch

Account Number:       1000 000 16444

IBAN:                          BH32BIBB00100000016444

Swift Code:                 BIBBBHBM

Address:                     Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain

      Khaleeji Commercial Bank

Account Name:           Royal University for Women

Bank:                          Khaleeji Commercial Bank

Account Number:       01 0000 101 5007

IBAN:                          BH43KHCB 001 00001015007

Swift Code:                 KHCBBHBM

Address:                     Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain

     Ahli United Bank

      Account Name:            Royal University for Women

Bank:                           Ahli United Bank

Account Number:        0016 151639 001

IBAN:                           BH43AUBB00016151639001

Swift Code:                  AUBBBHBM

Address:                      Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain

-Or Payment through any branch of Bahrain Financing Company (BFC).