Top 10 questions:
1. Where can I get my university ID card from?
You can receive your ID card from the Office of the Registrar within maximum 3 working days of confirming your registration.
2. I have lost my ID, can I request a new one?
Yes, you may do so by filling in an ID card replacement form available at the office of the Registrar. There's though a fee assigned to reissue your ID card which is listed in the fee schedule.
3. How will I know the exams dates?
Both midterm & final exams dates are being posted at least one week prior to the exam start date on the website: www.ruw.edu.bh and on your faculty's notice board as well as the office of the Registrar notice board.
4. How many courses can I add in a semester?
On average, an undergraduate student adds 5 courses. Though, the minimum and the maximum credit load is 12 to 18 credits in both fall & spring semesters with up to 9 credits in summer.
5. How can i have a Printed copy of my grades?
You can request an official report card for a single semester or a full transcript from the student records staff at the office of the Registrar or print a non official student copy through your account on self service.
6. I want to Change my major, how do I change it?
First you should get a change major request form available at the office of the Registrar, fill the required and check your eligibility with your academic advisor. Final approval on your request is granted by the College Dean.
7. How to Calculate my GPA?
Grade point averages are calculated on the basis of the point value assigned to each letter grade. For example, a letter grade of B is equal to 3.00 so your GPA is 3.00 point average*3 credits=9.00/3 credits=3.00 or, grade point average multiplied by credit hours of that course divided by the credit hours. Keep adding grade point averages of your entire course to find the overall GPA.
8. What is a Dean’s list?
A Deans list is an award granted on a yearly basis to students who have meet the criteria as per the university's policy. If you are on the dean’s list you will receive a certificate on a ceremony held at the end of the year.
9. I changed my contact number how can I update my teachers on this change?
Visit the Office of Registrar and update your personal information or update your account on self-service available under "my profile" tab.
10. I will be on vacation during the registration period, how can I register?
You can view the course schedule and add courses online by logging into your account on self service, a message confirming your selection of courses will be sent to you by your academic advisor. Tuition fee payment can be transferred to the university's bank account.